Friday, November 12, 2010

My scene and the EQ's

In our scene (act II scene 1) Macbeth, Banquo and Fleance are talking about the witches prophecy. Banquo was unhappy and wants to stay loyal to the king, but Macbeth doesn't want to talk about it. Later that night Macbeth has a vision of a dagger that motovates him to kill the king.  In the next scene (Act II scene 2) Macbeth returns to his room with Lady Macbeth and tell her about the murder.  Macbeth feel really guilty, and says he will never be able to get the blood off his hands, but Lady Macbeth tells him to wash off his hands.  While she is putting blood on the guards to make them look guilty Macbeth wishes he did not know what he had done.

The EQ that I chose that go with this part of the play is "How does power corrupt?" This scene show the full extent of how power and wanting more power has corrupted Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Macbeth wants the power so badly that he is willing to betray everything he believes in to gain it. Even going to commit murder of his best friend. He knows that it is wrong and he experiences terrible guilt but his desire for power is so strong that he can't help himself. The more power he gains the more he needs, which ends up changing him as a person.

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